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How to fill out a company profile on Allfoods Market

How to fill out a company profile on Allfoods Market
01 November
How to fill out a company profile on Allfoods Market
Author    - 2023-11-01

Welcome to the Allfoods Market platform! Here you will find the tools for successful B2B trading in the food industry. To really get the most out of the platform, it's important to take the time to complete your profile. In this guide, we'll explain why this is so important and how to do it correctly.

Filling out your profile — this is not just a formality. This is the Buyer's first impression of you on the platform, and a lot depends on it. A complete and accurate profile can be your competitive advantage.

One of the factors that potential partners pay attention to – reliability of your company. Provide more information about your company, including contact details, address, and describe your activities. This is especially important in the B2B segment, where decisions about cooperation are often made based on trust.

The attention to detail is always noticeable. A fully completed profile with neatly formatted information speaks of your seriousness and professionalism. This raises your status in the eyes of other platform participants and makes you more attractive for long-term cooperation.

Section “About the Company”

company profile on allfoods market

Section "About the company" — this is your business card on the platform. Here you can introduce your company, talk about your mission and main areas of activity. This is the first thing your potential partners will see, and it is from this information that they will draw conclusions about your reliability. In addition, a properly completed section with a link to your website can have a positive impact on your company's visibility in search engines.


  1. In your personal account, go to “My Profile”.
  2. Go to the "Company Page" tab and click the “Edit” button.
    company page on allfoods market in your personal account
  3. Fill out all available fields: company address, contact phone number (will be visible only to registered users), company description, social networks and a link to your website. After filling, click the “Save”
    button editing a company profile on allfoods market

Section “Certificates”

company certificates for allfoods market

Certificates — this is one of the most convincing ways to confirm the quality of your products. These documents not only increase the level of trust in your products, but can also be a decisive factor in closing a deal. All downloaded certificates are verified by the AllFoods Market operator.


  1. In your personal account, go to “My Profile”.
  2. Go to the "Company Page" tab and scroll down to the "Certificates" section. Click the Plus button to add a document.
    Adding a company certificate to allfoods market
  3. Upload scans or photographs of product certificates that you would like to display. Fill in the required fields, paying attention to the accuracy of the data, and click the Add button.
    filling out information about company certificates on allfoods market

Section “Geography”

company geography section on allfoods market

In the modern world, business knows no boundaries, and your company can become interesting to partners not only in the local market, but also in other countries. Section "Geography" allows you to specify a list of countries where these products are exported and/or the necessary conditions and documents for export have been prepared. This information makes your profile more attractive to international partners and can be a decisive factor when choosing a supplier.


  1. In your personal account, go to “My Profile”.
  2. Go to the "Company Page" tab and scroll down to the "Geography" section.
  3. Select the country to which you are already exporting or planning to do so. Click the Plus button to add a country to the list. If necessary, the action can be repeated.
    Adding the company's trading countries to allfoods market

Completely filling out your profile — this is not just a recommendation, it is one of the keys to successful and long-term cooperation on the Allfoods Market platform. Don't miss this opportunity to present your company in the best possible way